Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday night boredom

Well, I'm off work tonight. I've been poking around the house, making laundry soap and doing some loads. Have you ever been bored with a million things to do? There's really no end to housework. It's like the black hole of accomplishment. So pretty much at any given time, I could find at least 100 chores that could be done in the house. But sometimes, you just don't feel like doing them.

I've been meaning to go clean my closet. I don't even know what clothes I have anymore or what would fit, if anything. I can think of a lot of things that need cleaning or scrubbing, rearranging, organizing, or discarding.

But I guess I'll just take this Saturday night and unwind, prepare for a busy couple of weeks I have coming up. I believe a nice evening walk and a bubble bath are in order!!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I hear ya. I look around my house all the time and see things I could be doing other then being on'll get done another day