Sunday, August 10, 2008

Once in awhile, you've got to take a night off

So that's exactly what I'm doing tonight! The weird thing is, as soon as I got the okay from my contract that there weren't any rush jobs and I could take the night off, I suddenly didn't feel well. Tried a nap, didn't help. I think that when you are so overwhelmed with work, you tend to ignore how you're feeling because you can't afford to feel bad. When you finally get a chance to breathe, you feel it.

I'm not quite sure if I'm a workaholic. I work all day every day, pretty much. I like my jobs. I didn't work for a long time in my "past life" lol, which is something I'm trying to put behind me. I suppose my sudden endless workday could be an attempt to make up for lost time. I think, however, that it's more of an attempt to make up for lost identity.

It's strange how life brings you to these places. I learned how to type my freshman year of high school on an old manual typewriter. It was the last class of the day, and all I could think of was how I wanted to get home. I was a complete beginner and didn't accomplish much speed in the class, but I did learn my keystrokes. It was helpful to learn them on a manual typewriter, because you had to push the keys a little harder. When I later switched to computers at my job, I was able to fly over the keyboard. When I first started working at a full-time job, I was a secretary. I liked the jobs I had, but didn't love them. They were jobs and not careers. I didn't really feel like I used the talents I had. The middle part of my life was wife and mother, a whole other story, but while being a mother is so fulfilling and rewarding, I still don't feel like those personal talents were shining. Well, now I've found my transcription and English tutoring, each a unique outlet for my personal talents. Maybe that's why I am always working, just trying to get the most out of where I've been led in life.

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